
Senin, 07 Mei 2012

10 Positive & Negative Impact For the Love of Health

Falling in love is not just a matter of the heart alone. A love affair with someone can also provide positive and negative effects on health. As quoted from MyHealthNewsDaily, the following five benefits and adverse effects of falling in love.

1. Reduction in Mental Health Problems
According to research in the journal American Journal of Sociology 2002, a man or woman who does not have a partner tend to be more frequent depression, anxiety, mood swings and even feeling suicidal due to psychological pressure. Reinforced by research from Florida State University in 2010, those who committed less affected by mental health problems than those who do not have a partner.

2. Reduce Pain
In the journal PLoS ONE, researchers claim that love works like an analgesic, reduces sensitivity to pain. Romantic feelings activate the brain areas responsible for reducing pain, as well as activate the hormone dopamine (mood that could increase the sense of fun and positive mood).

3. Reduce Stress
Recent studies say that men and single women are more susceptible to stress than those who are married and have a stable relationship. According spenelitian of the University of Chicago and Northwestern University, the relationship status can affect the production of stress hormones cortisol and, when under pressure.

4. Longevity
Census data has shown that adults who are not married have the possibility of early death is higher than those who are not married. In addition, researchers also learned that getting married makes people live longer and have lower incomes despite social inequalities.

5. Happier
Journal of Neurophysiology explain, the feeling of love activate specific regions of dopamine in the brain. This area is associated with feelings of happiness lagsung, addiction, craving excitement and euphoria. Research also shows that by seeing our loved ones, affect the workings of certain areas of the brain that makes people happy when they meet with loved ones.

6. Can not Sleep
When in love, no less than you are having trouble sleeping. This is because the production of the hormones dopamine and norepinephrine that is too much. That's why you have a lot of energy, could not sleep for days and face so rosy.

7. Can not Eat
In some cases, fall in love it can be dangerous. For example, when someone entered the phase of 'limerence' meaning crazy. When experiencing 'limerence', one becomes obsessive, annoying, difficult to eat and forget about work, friends, family and even the responsibility on himself.

8. Can not Concentrate
When in love, someone will have trouble concentrating and can not think of anything other than the person he loves. This is a result of the hormone dopamine, which makes people become obsessive.

9. Pressure In Chest
According to Dr. Helen Fisher, scientists from Rutgers University, USA, when a person feels the pressure in the chest, usually the person is in a state of panic. When someone falls in love, the brain is often associated with anxiety and panic.

10. Tickling sensation of nausea and the stomach
The release of norepinephrine, dopamine and cortisol blood flow from the intestine and promote a sense of nausea and nervousness when meeting loved ones. People who are in love usually have symptoms of sweaty palms, dry mouth, increased heart rate and dizziness when she saw a bright light.

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